

Hello everyone and welcome to Captivate on Camera! My name is Pamela and I’m going to be guiding you through lots of content and exercises throughout this course so that you can improve your on-camera presence and create compelling content for your own audience!

Before we get started, I want to personally thank you for purchasing this course. I have gone through a profound transformation of my own when it comes to being comfortable on camera, and I am so excited to share my transformation -- and the techniques that got me there -- with you. By taking this course, you will be on your way to having a natural, inviting, and compelling presence on camera, no matter what kind of content you produce.

Most of all, I am here to help you be yourself on camera. It sounds simple but many of you know already that simple and easy are two different things. If you struggle with self-consciousness and feeling awkward on camera, this course will help you move past those feelings so you can get on with creating your own great content!

Remember to download the course workbook and planner! It will help you map out your lesson plan, track progress, and give you a place to write down notes and questions. As always, you can leave comments here or email for support at [email protected]

Let's get started!

Download the workbook here 👇 👇

Or view it within the course below! 👇 👇

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